-- No of Total Records using Select Query
Select count(*) from Purchasing.PurchaseOrderDetail
-- No of Records for each group using Select Query
Select PurchaseOrderID, count(*) NoOfRec from Purchasing.PurchaseOrderDetail Group By PurchaseOrderID

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Identify Column in All Tables
use AdventureWorks
Select * From sys.columns
select * from sys.tables
-- Select Columns From All Tables
select st.name, sc.name from sys.tables st, sys.columns sc
where st.object_id = sc.object_id
-- Select Specific Columns and their corresponding tables
select st.name, sc.name from sys.tables st, sys.columns sc
where st.object_id = sc.object_id
and sc.name = 'EmployeeID'
-- Select Specific Columns and their corresponding tables
select st.name, sc.name from sys.tables st, sys.columns sc
where st.object_id = sc.object_id
and sc.name = 'PurchaseOrderID'
Select * From sys.columns
select * from sys.tables
-- Select Columns From All Tables
select st.name, sc.name from sys.tables st, sys.columns sc
where st.object_id = sc.object_id
-- Select Specific Columns and their corresponding tables
select st.name, sc.name from sys.tables st, sys.columns sc
where st.object_id = sc.object_id
and sc.name = 'EmployeeID'
-- Select Specific Columns and their corresponding tables
select st.name, sc.name from sys.tables st, sys.columns sc
where st.object_id = sc.object_id
and sc.name = 'PurchaseOrderID'

Monday, May 7, 2007
Write Log Files - Sybase
Writing Logs - Text Files using Sybase
If you want to write to a Log file using Sybase use the following
code. Here the log file is not overwritten - it is appended with the
existing text. As the existing text is stored in a variable and
rewritten to the file there will be a gradual slowdown in performance
Declare sbuffer long varchar;
Declare sText long varchar;
Declare iRet integer;
Set sbuffer = xp_read_file('c:\temp\sample.sql');
Set sText = '\n';
Set sText = sText || 'Writing Text @ ' || Now(*);
Set iRet = xp_write_file('c:\temp\sample.sql', sbuffer || sText);
If you want to write to a Log file using Sybase use the following
code. Here the log file is not overwritten - it is appended with the
existing text. As the existing text is stored in a variable and
rewritten to the file there will be a gradual slowdown in performance
Declare sbuffer long varchar;
Declare sText long varchar;
Declare iRet integer;
Set sbuffer = xp_read_file('c:\temp\sample.sql');
Set sText = '\n';
Set sText = sText || 'Writing Text @ ' || Now(*);
Set iRet = xp_write_file('c:\temp\sample.sql', sbuffer || sText);

Link Triggers & Tables
Triggers and thier corresponding Tables
-- Sybase
select * from systrigger
-- SQL Server
select * from sys.triggers
-- Triggers and Tables
If you want to know the triggers for each table or trigger for a
corresponding table use the following:
-- Sybase
Select stab.table_name, strig.trigger_name from systable stab, systrigger strig
where stab.table_id = strig.table_id
-- SQL Server
Select stab.name, strig.name from sys.tables stab, sys.triggers strig
where stab.object_id = strig.parent_id
-- Sybase
select * from systrigger
-- SQL Server
select * from sys.triggers
-- Triggers and Tables
If you want to know the triggers for each table or trigger for a
corresponding table use the following:
-- Sybase
Select stab.table_name, strig.trigger_name from systable stab, systrigger strig
where stab.table_id = strig.table_id
-- SQL Server
Select stab.name, strig.name from sys.tables stab, sys.triggers strig
where stab.object_id = strig.parent_id

Stored Procedures & Parameters
SQL Server / Sybase Stored Procedures & Parameters
-- Sybase Syntax to Select Parameters used in All Available Stored Procedures
select * from SYSPROCPARM
-- SQL Server Syntax to Select Parameters used in All Available Stored Procedures
select * from sys.parameters
-- Sybase Syntax to Select All Available Stored Procedures
select * from sysprocedure
-- SQL Server Syntax to Select All Available Stored Procedures
select * from sys.procedures
-- To get the list of both input and output parameters used in every
stored procedure use the following syntax
-- Sybase
select sp.proc_name, spa.parm_name from sysprocedure sp, SYSPROCPARM spa
where sp.proc_id = spa.proc_id
order by sp.proc_name
--SQL Server
select sp.name, spa.name from sys.procedures sp, sys.parameters spa
where sp.object_id = spa.object_id
order by sp.name
-- Procedures and their Input Parameters
-- Sybase
select sp.proc_name, spa.parm_name from sysprocedure sp, SYSPROCPARM spa
where sp.proc_id = spa.proc_id
and parm_mode_in = 'Y'
order by sp.proc_name
-- SQL Server
select sp.name, spa.name from sys.procedures sp, sys.parameters spa
where sp.object_id = spa.object_id
and spa.is_output = 0
order by sp.name
-- Procedures and their Output Parameters
-- Sybase
select sp.proc_name, spa.parm_name from sysprocedure sp, SYSPROCPARM spa
where sp.proc_id = spa.proc_id
and parm_mode_out = 'Y'
order by sp.proc_name
-- SQL Server
select sp.name, spa.name from sys.procedures sp, sys.parameters spa
where sp.object_id = spa.object_id
and spa.is_output = 1
order by sp.name
-- Sybase Syntax to Select Parameters used in All Available Stored Procedures
select * from SYSPROCPARM
-- SQL Server Syntax to Select Parameters used in All Available Stored Procedures
select * from sys.parameters
-- Sybase Syntax to Select All Available Stored Procedures
select * from sysprocedure
-- SQL Server Syntax to Select All Available Stored Procedures
select * from sys.procedures
-- To get the list of both input and output parameters used in every
stored procedure use the following syntax
-- Sybase
select sp.proc_name, spa.parm_name from sysprocedure sp, SYSPROCPARM spa
where sp.proc_id = spa.proc_id
order by sp.proc_name
--SQL Server
select sp.name, spa.name from sys.procedures sp, sys.parameters spa
where sp.object_id = spa.object_id
order by sp.name
-- Procedures and their Input Parameters
-- Sybase
select sp.proc_name, spa.parm_name from sysprocedure sp, SYSPROCPARM spa
where sp.proc_id = spa.proc_id
and parm_mode_in = 'Y'
order by sp.proc_name
-- SQL Server
select sp.name, spa.name from sys.procedures sp, sys.parameters spa
where sp.object_id = spa.object_id
and spa.is_output = 0
order by sp.name
-- Procedures and their Output Parameters
-- Sybase
select sp.proc_name, spa.parm_name from sysprocedure sp, SYSPROCPARM spa
where sp.proc_id = spa.proc_id
and parm_mode_out = 'Y'
order by sp.proc_name
-- SQL Server
select sp.name, spa.name from sys.procedures sp, sys.parameters spa
where sp.object_id = spa.object_id
and spa.is_output = 1
order by sp.name
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