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Sunday, October 28, 2007

Learn SQL Server 2005--Free CD or Download

Learn SQL Server 2005--Free CD or Download
Get up to 3 hours of award-winning training from AppDev--FREE!
Choose SQL Server 2005, SSAS, SSIS, or SSRS. Includes step-by-
step instruction, hands-on labs, sample code, and printable
courseware (a $115 value). Get your free SQL Server 2005 training

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Thursday, June 28, 2007

Now () Function in SQL Server

Now () Function in SQL Server 2005

Logs, Status Reports and et al., Now() function is common. Here is the way to accomplish the same in SQL Server

Select @Today = GetDate() should give you the same

DatePart - Get Part of the Date

-- Selecting the Current Year/Get Current Year/Separate Year Part from Date
Select DatePart(YY, GetDate()) as Current_Year

-- Selecting the Current Quarter/Get Current Quarter/Separate Quarter Part from Date
Select DatePart(QQ, GetDate()) as Current_Quarter

-- Selecting the Current Month/Get Current Month/Separate Month Part from Date
Select DatePart(MM, GetDate()) as Current_Month

-- Selecting the Name of Current Month/Get Name of Current Month/Separate Month Part from Date and display its Name
Select DateName(month, GetDate()) as Current_Month_Name

-- Selecting the Name of Current Month/Get Name of Current Month/Separate Month Part from Date and display its Name
Select DateName(day, GetDate()) as Current_Day

-- Selecting the Name of Current Month/Get Name of Current Month/Separate Month Part from Date and display its Name
Select DateName(wk, GetDate()) as Current_Week

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Wednesday, May 9, 2007

No of Records using Select Query

-- No of Total Records using Select Query
Select count(*) from Purchasing.PurchaseOrderDetail

-- No of Records for each group using Select Query
Select PurchaseOrderID, count(*) NoOfRec from Purchasing.PurchaseOrderDetail Group By PurchaseOrderID
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Identify Column in All Tables

use AdventureWorks
Select * From sys.columns
select * from sys.tables

-- Select Columns From All Tables
select, from sys.tables st, sys.columns sc
where st.object_id = sc.object_id

-- Select Specific Columns and their corresponding tables
select, from sys.tables st, sys.columns sc
where st.object_id = sc.object_id
and = 'EmployeeID'

-- Select Specific Columns and their corresponding tables
select, from sys.tables st, sys.columns sc
where st.object_id = sc.object_id
and = 'PurchaseOrderID'
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Monday, May 7, 2007

Write Log Files - Sybase

Writing Logs - Text Files using Sybase

If you want to write to a Log file using Sybase use the following
code. Here the log file is not overwritten - it is appended with the
existing text. As the existing text is stored in a variable and
rewritten to the file there will be a gradual slowdown in performance

Declare sbuffer long varchar;
Declare sText long varchar;
Declare iRet integer;
Set sbuffer = xp_read_file('c:\temp\sample.sql');
Set sText = '\n';
Set sText = sText || 'Writing Text @ ' || Now(*);
Set iRet = xp_write_file('c:\temp\sample.sql', sbuffer || sText);
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Link Triggers & Tables

Triggers and thier corresponding Tables

-- Sybase
select * from systrigger

-- SQL Server
select * from sys.triggers

-- Triggers and Tables
If you want to know the triggers for each table or trigger for a
corresponding table use the following:

-- Sybase
Select stab.table_name, strig.trigger_name from systable stab, systrigger strig
where stab.table_id = strig.table_id

-- SQL Server
Select, from sys.tables stab, sys.triggers strig
where stab.object_id = strig.parent_id
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Stored Procedures & Parameters

SQL Server / Sybase Stored Procedures & Parameters

-- Sybase Syntax to Select Parameters used in All Available Stored Procedures
select * from SYSPROCPARM

-- SQL Server Syntax to Select Parameters used in All Available Stored Procedures
select * from sys.parameters

-- Sybase Syntax to Select All Available Stored Procedures
select * from sysprocedure

-- SQL Server Syntax to Select All Available Stored Procedures
select * from sys.procedures

-- To get the list of both input and output parameters used in every
stored procedure use the following syntax

-- Sybase
select sp.proc_name, spa.parm_name from sysprocedure sp, SYSPROCPARM spa
where sp.proc_id = spa.proc_id
order by sp.proc_name

--SQL Server
select, from sys.procedures sp, sys.parameters spa
where sp.object_id = spa.object_id
order by

-- Procedures and their Input Parameters

-- Sybase
select sp.proc_name, spa.parm_name from sysprocedure sp, SYSPROCPARM spa
where sp.proc_id = spa.proc_id
and parm_mode_in = 'Y'
order by sp.proc_name

-- SQL Server
select, from sys.procedures sp, sys.parameters spa
where sp.object_id = spa.object_id
and spa.is_output = 0
order by

-- Procedures and their Output Parameters
-- Sybase
select sp.proc_name, spa.parm_name from sysprocedure sp, SYSPROCPARM spa
where sp.proc_id = spa.proc_id
and parm_mode_out = 'Y'
order by sp.proc_name

-- SQL Server
select, from sys.procedures sp, sys.parameters spa
where sp.object_id = spa.object_id
and spa.is_output = 1
order by
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Saturday, April 28, 2007



Get the Computer Name using SQL Query

Select Host_Name() as Computer_Name

Get Computer Name, Get HOst Name

Here is the Way you can get the same in Visual Basic :

Here is the Way you can get the same in .Net :
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Coalesce Function

Coalesce Function

Displays the first nonnull expression among its arguments

-- returns Iam Not a Null
Select Coalesce (Null, Null, 'Iam Not a Null', Null) as NotNull

This function will be used to skip the NULL columns and get the ones that have value. This function can be maximum utilised in situations where you need to get one value from a group of columns that could contain null.

For example, Let us assume that you have a contact table with office_phno, mobile_nos, home_phnos in it and you need to send them greetings. You can use Coalesce Function to get the non null number according to priority

Select Coalesce (Office_phno, mobile_nos, home_phnos, 'No Ph No Available) as ContactNo

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CASE Function Example - Database

SQL Server CASE Function

Evaluates a list of conditions and returns one of multiple possible result expressions

Declare @Position Int;
Set @Position = 3
Select Case @Position
when 1 then 'Gold'
when 2 then 'Silver'
when 3 then 'Bronze'
Else cast(@Position as varchar)+ 'th'
End as Medal

You can change the value of @Position and analyse the output

SQL Server CASE Function, CASE Function, CASE Function Example
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Know the version of the DB

Database Version - SQL Server/ Sybase

Select @@Version

Print @@Version

Apart from the SQL Server Version, It also provides processor architecture, build date, and operating system for the current installation

The above information can also be retrieved from the following stored procedure

Exec xp_msver

Keywords: Version, xp_msver, System Stored Procedure
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Selecting Database users

Selecting Database users

The following queries will be returning the user names

Select User

-- This displays the current user
Select User_Name()

Select Current_User

-- This displays the user belongint to ID 2
Select User_Name(2)

-- Displays all users for that DB
Select uid, name from sysusers order by uid

sysusers contain the information of all users
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Friday, April 27, 2007

Check database permission

Check Access to database

Check if user has access to the specified database

HAS_DBACCESS returns 1 if the user has access to the database, 0 if the user has no access to the database, and NULL if the database name is not valid

Declare @RetValue Int;
Set @RetValue = HAS_DBACCESS('AdventureWorks')
IF @RetValue = 1
Print 'User has Access';
IF @RetValue = 0
Print 'User Does not have Access';
Print 'Database name is not valid';

Check for Valid Database Name, DB Name Error, DB Name Validity, User Permissions for DB, User Access for DB, User Rights for DB, SQL Server Check Access to database
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@@TRANCOUNT shows # of active transactions for the current connection


If you use savepoint_name in ROLLBACK TRANSACTION @@TRANCOUNT will not be affected

Begin Transaction

Save TRAN Point1 ;
Select 'The Transaction Count is ' + cast(@@TRANCOUNT as varchar) ;

-- This roll Back will not have any impact on @@TRANCOUNT
RollBack Transaction Point1
Select 'The Transaction Count is ' + cast(@@TRANCOUNT as varchar) ;

-- This roll Back will Reset the @@TRANCOUNT
RollBack Transaction
Select 'The Transaction Count is ' + cast(@@TRANCOUNT as varchar) ;

Keywords: @@TRANCOUNT, savepoint_name, Number Of Active Transactions
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Maximum Level of Nesting in SQL Server Stored Procedure

Maximum Level of Nesting in SQL Server Stored Procedure

A Maximum of 32 levels of Nesting is allowed in SQL Server Stored Procedure. When the maximum of 32 is exceeded, the transaction is terminated.

Select @@NestLevel

Returns the nesting level of the current stored procedure execution (initially 0) on the local server

Keywords: @@NestLevel, Maximum Level of Nesting
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Tuesday, April 24, 2007

DatePart - Get Part of the Date

-- Selecting the Current Year/Get Current Year/Separate Year Part from Date
Select DatePart(YY, GetDate()) as Current_Year

-- Selecting the Current Quarter/Get Current Quarter/Separate Quarter Part from Date
Select DatePart(QQ, GetDate()) as Current_Quarter

-- Selecting the Current Month/Get Current Month/Separate Month Part from Date
Select DatePart(MM, GetDate()) as Current_Month

-- Selecting the Name of Current Month/Get Name of Current Month/Separate Month Part from Date and display its Name
Select DateName(month, GetDate()) as Current_Month_Name

-- Selecting the Name of Current Month/Get Name of Current Month/Separate Month Part from Date and display its Name
Select DateName(day, GetDate()) as Current_Day

-- Selecting the Name of Current Month/Get Name of Current Month/Separate Month Part from Date and display its Name
Select DateName(wk, GetDate()) as Current_Week
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First day of the week - @@datefirst

The first day of the week will be 7 - Sunday (default for US English)

Select @@datefirst as FirstDay

You can set it by :
Set datefirst 1;
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Current Database - SQL Server

What is the Current Database?

Select DB_NAME() as Curr_DB
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Monitoring SQL SErver with SP_WHO


Exec sp_who

will provide information about current users, sessions, and processes in an instance of the Microsoft SQL Server Database Engine

Use the login to filter results for a particular user
Exec sp_who 'Login21'

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Maximum Connections for SQL Server

All About Connections

@@MAX_Connections Returns the maximum number of simultaneous user connections allowed on an instance of SQL Server. The number returned is not necessarily the number currently configured

Select @@MAX_Connections as Max_Connections

No of attempted connections for SQL Server

Select @@Connections as TotalLoginAttempts

This will include either successful or unsuccessful since SQL Server was last started.

You can also check the same using sp_monitor System procedure

Exec sp_monitor
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Monday, April 16, 2007

Formatting Date Input - DateFOrmat

Formatting Date Input - Jan-7 or July 1 / British Way of Date Representation / British Date

SET @datevar = '01/07/2006';
SELECT @datevar AS DateVar;
SELECT datename(month, @datevar) AS month_name;
The above will return January

SET @datevar = '07/01/2006';
SELECT @datevar AS DateVar;
SELECT datename(month, @datevar) AS month_name;
The above will return July

If you are using British way of representing dates, then '01/07/2006' is 1-July. Use dateformat to change the input to dmy system
Set DateFOrmat dmy;
SET @datevar = '01/07/2006';
SELECT @datevar AS DateVar;
SELECT datename(month, @datevar) AS month_name;
The above will return July

SET @datevar = '07/01/2006';
SELECT @datevar AS DateVar;
SELECT datename(month, @datevar) AS month_name;
The above will return Jan

DateFOrmat does not affect the display of date values
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Universal Time or Greenwich Meridian Time (GMT)

Getting the Universal Time - GMT

Select GetDate() as LocalTime

Select GetUTCDate() as GMT_Time

GetUTCDate Returns the datetime value representing the current UTC time (Coordinated Universal Time or Greenwich Mean Time)

Select DateDiff(second,GetDate(),GetUTCDate() ) as DifferenceinSec
will give you the difference between GMT and your Local Time
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SQL Adding or Subtracting Dates

********************Adding or Subtracting Dates********************

If the requirement is to calculate the age of a person six months from now, dateadd function can help

Select BirthDate, DateDiff(year, BirthDate, Dateadd(month, 6, getdate())) as BirthDateAfterSix from HumanResources.Employee Order By 1 Desc

subtracting dates is equally easy:

Select BirthDate, DateDiff(year, BirthDate, Dateadd(month, -6, getdate())) as BirthDateAfterSix from HumanResources.Employee Order By 1 Desc
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GetAge - Get Age Using SQL Query

How to calculate Age using SQL Query

DateDiff function can be used to get the Age from the birth date

Select BirthDate, DateDiff(year, BirthDate, getdate()) as Age from HumanResources.Employee
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Sunday, April 15, 2007

ANSI_NULLS - Equalling NULLs

********************Check For NULL********************

If you check for Null using <> or = operator, it might not return the results even if the table contains NULLs

Select * from Person.Address where AddressLine2 = Null

will not yield any results

on the otherhand it is a good practice to get the intended value using the following

Select * from Person.Address where AddressLine2 Is Null

If you still want to use = or <> with Nulls then the following will work

Select * from Person.Address where AddressLine2 = Null

However, this feature will be removed in a future version of Microsoft SQL Server. Avoid using this feature in new development work, and plan to modify applications that currently use this feature.
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Tie in Max or Min Function - WITH TIES

If you have two employees with the same birth date - the youngest/oldest employee has a tie. Then use of WITH TIES clause will solve it.

If WITH TIES is also specified, all rows that contain the last value returned by the ORDER BY clause are returned, even if doing this exceeds the number specified by expression.

Top 1 could return two or even more rows in case of a Tie

Select TOP 1 WITH TIES BirthDate from HumanResources.Employee Order By 1 Desc

WITH TIES can be used to get the matching records of the last/first even if it is more than the given number or percent

WITH TIES requires an ORDER BY clause.
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Youngest Employee - SQL TOP

********************Youngest & Oldest Employee********************

To get the youngest / olderst employee, two different methods are shown here.

1. Using Max and Min Functions
2. Using Top in Select Statement

'' Youngest Employee (Reference : AdventureWorks)

Select Min(BirthDate) from HumanResources.Employee
Select TOP 1 BirthDate from HumanResources.Employee Order By 1 Asc
Select TOP 1 * from HumanResources.Employee Order By BirthDate Asc

Select * from Person.Contact where ContactID = (Select TOP 1 EmployeeID from HumanResources.Employee Order By BirthDate Asc)

'' Oldest Employee (Reference : AdventureWorks)

Select Max(BirthDate) from HumanResources.Employee
Select TOP 1 BirthDate from HumanResources.Employee Order By 1 Desc

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